Voted committees

1) Senate

The Senate is the highest academic committee and consists of 11 voting members. Two of them are students you elect at the university elections.

The Senate deals with:

  • Legislation to be issued by the university
  • Proposals to change courses of study
  • Approval of new or amended subject examination regulations (FPSOs)
  • Research priorities, as well as applications for the establishment of Collaborative Research Centres
  • Statements on appeals

2) Department Council or School Council

The Department Council is the highest decision-making body of your department, the School Council of your school. This committee consists of two or four student representatives, depending on the size, and you are allowed to vote for them in the university elections.

The Department Council deals with:

  • General teaching matters (courses and fields of study, lectureship etc.)
  • Habilitations (formal confirmation of teaching qualification)
  • Granting of the authorization to teach and appointment of professors

Department Council decisions often need to be confirmed by the TUM Board of Management and possibly also by the Senate in order to become effective.

3) Study Department Council

At the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS), a Study Department Council and an Institute Council are elected, which share the tasks of the Department Council.

4) Student Representation

Your Student Council consists of the students you may elect in the university elections. The number of elected representatives depends on the size of the department, but is at least 12.

Your Student Council is basically your contact person if you have problems anywhere. In addition, your Student Council represents your interests vis-à-vis the department and other student bodies at the TUM Student Council.