Mobility Department

The Mobility Department takes care of all issues relating to student mobility. This includes an attractive pricing of the semester ticket in the MVV (e.g. introduction of a 365 euro ticket, coordination of refunds due to the 9 euro ticket), improving the connections between residences and the various TUM locations, the expansion of the night traffic and the improvement of the bicycle infrastructure around the universities (which is happening specifically in Garching due to the participation in the local AG Radverkehr of the city of Garching).

Since these topics usually affect not only TUM students, but also students at all universities in Munich, there is a cross-university Arbeitskreis Mobilität der Münchner Studierendenvertretungen (AK Mobilität) in which the mobility representative of TUM, LMU and HM as well as other interested students are involved. There, these topics are discussed and worked on in exchange with representatives from politics, public transport companies and the MVV.

The AK Mobility is also part of the MVV Passenger Advisory Board and of the Netzwerks Junge Mobilität des KJR München, where topics, concerns and wishes of the students can be collected, processed and presented.

Negotiating skills, diplomatic knowledge and fighting spirit are advantageous for this job. You will learn how to convincingly represent your interests to important negotiating partners, such as the City of Munich, the Bavarian State Parliament and public transport companies. Comrades-in-arms are always wanted, please contact us!

Lukas Strutz

B. Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik

Martin Keiser

B.Sc. Informatik


Questions, ideas or suggestions?

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